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Beginner Tips for Beard Styling

Mountaineer Brand-Beginner Tips for Beard Styling

CM Wilkerson |

It's possible to look stylish even while you're growing out a beard. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! A lot of men have that awkward phase where their beards are not shaved, but they're also not long enough. If they don't style it well, it can look like a disaster. Don't worry; if you follow this simple guide, you'll definitely look fashionable in every phase of growing out your beard. It's much more simple than you might expect and even beginners can follow it.

Start clean

When you're trying to grow out your beard, it's best to shave everything before you start. This way you'll be sure that your whole beard grows evenly and it doesn't have weird-looking sparse areas. When your beard is evenly shaved, those sparse areas are less visible. Besides, you'll definitely feel a sense of satisfaction because you'll be able to clearly see the growth of your stylish beard.


Choosing the best styling for medium beards

#1: Goatees

You can never go wrong with a goatee. Especially if you have a round face since it will elongate it. It can create an illusion of a longer face better than any other beard style. A goatee is great for beginners because it's really easy to style and maintain. Even if you have sparse areas, that is okay with this beard style. It's a simple and laid-back styling. You will look extra fashionable if your style is also casual. So, what are you waiting for, it's time for you to browse fashionable goatees.

#2: Defined

If you choose to follow our tip in which you completely shave your beard before growing it out, this style is for you. It's a sleek and elegant beard styling that any businessman can pull off. If you shave the beard well before growing it out, this style can look awesome. That's because of the symmetry and the fact that the beard is an even length in all places. This is another beard styling which is great for beginners because there's not much work to do. Again, this beard style is excellent for businessmen because of its sharp look. But, it's also perfect for those busy executives because of possible time constraints when it comes to styling. In the beginning, your beard will be a perfect five-o'clock shadow. When it grows longer, you'll be able to choose any style you want and just go for it. You should have enough beard volume to experiment as with it much as you want. Most importantly, this beard style will look amazing even during its middle length phase.

#3: Breaking the rules

While we think that our idea to start fresh to have an even beard is great, some men just don't like that style. Maybe it doesn't suit them, or they don't want to look that formal. This is where beards with uneven lengths come in. This is great if you want to have a fun, cozy look. Fun and cozy look doesn't mean that you don't have to take care of your beard. This style can go very wrong if you're not taking care of your beard and aren’t making sure to maintain the multiple lengths you've chosen. Extra guide tip is to invest in a precise shaver that can give you the best results. If you're a beginner, don't worry, practice makes perfect. If you mess up in the beginning, you can shave it back to shorter lengths and start again.

#4: Match made in heaven

Some men are growing out their beards just because they also want to have long moustaches. Growing just a moustache can definitely look weird at times, so pairing it with a beard is a great idea. If you're a beginner, practice styling your moustache daily with some wax. Then, if you choose to shave the beard and leave the moustache, your skills will be improved. Styling both the moustache and the beard is so much fun, especially while you're growing them out. During this middle phase, as your beard grows, your styling skills will improve. When it grows to your desired length, you'll basically be a beard styling professional. This beard style is basically made for men with hipster-like styles.

These styling tips for growing out the beard should be something that every man can try out. Even if you're a beginner, these styles are obtainable. So why wait? It's time to start growing out your beard!