If you’re planning to participate in No Shave November but don’t quite know where to start, you’re in the right place. We have created a list of tips and tricks to get you prepared for your beard growing journey and make it a true success.
If you’re interested in learning more about the history behind No Shave November, click here. We fully encourage you to do so if you aren’t familiar with the cause this annual event supports.
If you’re ready to start your whisker wellness journey and make the most out of November, continue reading and take some notes!
Growing it Out
Certainly, it’s no surprise that growing out a full blown beard takes time. For most men, one month of growing isn’t going to cut it. Such a short time span will leave most with a face full of short, stubbly hairs.
If your plan is to end November with a full, healthy beard, you should start growing it out now. You will start to notice more growth around the second or third week, which leaves you with the whole month of November to grow a really awesome beard.
So, Tip #1- start growing right now.
Getting Through the Itch
Week 2 and 3 will likely be the most difficult stage of growth due to the almost unbearable itch that comes along with it. While it may not be pleasant, rest assured that there are ways to alleviate the itch (and we don’t mean shaving).
Tip #2- Keep your face cleaned and moisturized throughout the growing process to alleviate dryness and itching.
Which brings us to our next topic…
Caring for Your Beard
Proper care is crucial for the health of your beard. In order to grow and flow in the best way possible, you want to make sure you find products that are made with quality, all-natural ingredients.
The base of all successful beard care routines is the wash. Keeping your beard and the skin beneath it clean will allow for a much more pleasant growing experience, especially when it comes to that beginner’s itch.
Be cautious when choosing your wash. While it may be tempting to grab a bar of soap or your lady’s shampoo that smells like heaven, it’s best to just say “no”. These soaps contain harsh ingredients that will damage your beard and it’s growth.
This brings us to Tip #3- Look carefully at the ingredients in any beard wash you are considering. Just because a wash is labeled “beard wash” doesn’t mean it will be beneficial. So many companies use fragrance oils, which dry out your skin and beard, along with other harmful chemicals that most of us can’t even pronounce. To keep it simple, find a wash that is all-natural and scented with essential oils. That’s the best way to keep your beard clean and healthy.
Like we mentioned before, it’s best to keep your face moisturized while growing a beard. A good beard oil or balm (again, all-natural) is a great way to condition both your beard and the skin beneath it. If you’re a beginner, using one or the other will work just fine.
So, Tip #4- find a good beard oil or balm, and be sure that whatever you choose contains ONLY all-natural ingredients.
Sum It Up
If you follow the simple steps provided in this article, you’ll more than likely see the results you were hoping for at the close of November. Perhaps you’ll enjoy the experience so much that you decide to continue on your growing journey. Whatever the case, we wish you the best of luck in your No Shave November endeavors and encourage you to look into the history behind this popular trend.
Beard On!